Thursday, July 08, 2004

Well, you know, they all look alike anyway

Remember all those terrorists and other foreign fighters the Bush administration said started streaming into Iraq right after we liberated the country last year? You know, the ones who were the "enemies of freedom" trying to interfere with our efforts to help the long suffering Iraqi people? Well it turns out that foreigners account for about 2% of the insurgents in Iraq.

Or, put another way: 98% of the "insurgents" are just Iraqis struggling to overthrow an invading army.

It kind of reminds you of those old Westerns when the Calvary would find themselves in a dead-end canyon and then they'd look up to the top of the cliffs to see that the entire horizon was covered Indian braves.

USATODAY: Foreign detainees are few in Iraq

Columbia (MO) Daily Tribune: As many as 20,000 may be fighting U.S. forces

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