Saturday, July 17, 2004

U.S. strongman Allawi shoots prisoners in cold blood

Do you know Dr. Iyad Allawi? You should. In fact, he is the new Prime Minister of Iraq, installed and maintained by the Bush administration and charged with bringing god's gift of American freedom and democracy to Iraq.


But apparently Dr. Allawi has a different view of freedom than maybe we thought.

Dr. Allawi personally shot in the head ("in cold blood" and "gang-land style," as they say) six suspects before a group of fifty or so witnesses at a police station in Baghdad in order to set an example so that police officers might feel more confident about doing their jobs, according to this well documented story in an Australian newspaper.

So much for that whole "innocent until proven guilty" nonsense that American criminals so often use to get off scot-free.

Oh but wait! Read more carefully. There were four Americans from the Prime Minister's personal security team who stood in silence and watched him execute the suspects.


Who were they? Let's hope they were "private contractors." Wouldn't it be awful if, come to find out, the U.S. military either was aware of or, worse, condoned this outrage?


Just imagine the furor if we learn that Americans knew about Dr. Allawi's murderous ways.  After all this incident occurred just days before the Bush administration handed over to Allawi complete and dictatorial control of Iraq.


Why if it turns out that we knew, or should have known, that Allawi committed murder in order to set an example to his police force, then America would be accused of using it's overwhelming military might to install a strongman puppet dictator ... again.   And what if, after all of that, someone finds out that Iyad Allawi is, in fact, a former C.I.A. operative with a violent history from his days as a spy in England?

Sydney Morning Herald (Australia): Allawi shot prisoners in cold blood, say witnesses

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