Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Iraqi Premier Declares Martial Law Citing U.S. Patriot Act as Model

It's always difficult to see yourself as others see you, but a little introspection can teach you a lot, especially if you're trying to figure out why people hate you so much that they'd crash airliners into your skyscrapers. Of course it helps if you've got a good sense of irony too.

The New York Times reports that the U.S. appointed dictator in Iraq is declaring martial law giving himself the right to detain citizens without warrant, curtail travel without government authorization, ban public meetings and that he's signaled that scheduled elections will be postponed indefinitely until order can be restored. The Hindu, a newspaper in India, reports that Iraqi officials say they've modeled their new law after the U.S. Patriot Act.

So which is it? Are we bringing the "almighty's gift of freedom" to the long suffering people of Iraq, or is this something else entirely?

New York Times: New Law in Iraq Gives Premier Martial Powers to Fight Uprising

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