Friday, July 16, 2004

The Titans of War

We all know that the real power in modern corporations lies with management, and that management has authority over all of the tasks as well as its own compensation. We've seen the tip of the iceberg of the abuses that follow such absolute control.

What we might have missed is the way in which the power of corporate managers has risen in the public sector. Perhaps it was natural that corporate management would extend its role to politics and to government, with the result that today in America, corporate managers are in close alliance with the president, the vice-president and the secretary of defense and major corporate figures are also in senior positions elsewhere in the federal government. In fact, never before has so much of an American war been carried out by corporate contractors as is now happening in Iraq.

And certainly what we did not contemplate is how corporate managers might one day alter the international policy of America to pursue wars for corporate gain.

Guardian (London): A cloud over civilization

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