Thursday, July 15, 2004

That's one way to make sure there are no ballot re-counts in Florida

A provision of Florida's newly revised election law actually prohibits recounts when an electronic voting machine is used. So, if there's a replay of the 2000 Florida Election Debacle this time re-counting the ballots will be illegal. The logic is this: Since the touch screen machines prevent casting a vote for more than one candidate, there is no reason to ever re-count the ballots.

Of course this news comes on the heels of the spectacle of the abortive attempt by the Bush appointed "Election Assistance Commission" (whose mission, ironically, is to help restore confidence in the election process) to ask Attorney General John Ashcroft to look into how to postpone this year's election in the event of a terrorist attack (Independent (UK): Washington plan to delay presidential election if terrorists strike).

Meanwhile evidence continues to mount that electronic voting is not yet ready for prime time.

New York Times: Election Troubles Already Descending on Florida

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