Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Don't worry we'll keep looking anyway

In the Oval Office yesterday George Bush told reporters that the Central Intelligence Agency had found "no direct connection between Iran and the attacks of Septebmer 11," but he said "We will continue to look and see if the Iranians were involved."

How can that be? If we now know that there's "no direct connection between Iran and the attacks of September 11," why would our plan be to "continue to look and see if the Iranians were involved?"

Haven't we been here before? If we keep talking about it, soon a majority of Fox News viewers will be convinced that there was a connection between Iran and 9/11 and that it is absolutely critical that we launch an unprovoked attack on that country.

Let's see now, what countries did George Bush name in his "axis of evil" speech?

New York Times: President Says U.S. to Examine Iran-Qaeda Tie

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