Thursday, July 22, 2004

Self censorship is the most dangerous

What a week it was! Whoopi Goldberg fired for making jokes about George Bush, Linda Ronstadt hauled off stage by armed guards for dedicating a song to Michael Moore, and Arnold Schwarzenegger calling the Democrats "girlie men."

Of course in Arnold's case, we were told that it was okay, that he was only joshing, and that we needed to get a sense of humor. Odd, isn't it, that Arnold, the only one of the three who is an elected official, is supposed to get a pass. Apparently there's a higher standard for private citizens at work than there is for conservatives play acting as public figures.

But this week the censorship wing censorship attacks took a drastic turn. Comedian Margaret Cho, who has been an outspoken critic of Bush, was been yanked from a fundraiser scheduled around the Democratic convention ... because of fears that the Bush campaign would seize upon her performance as yet another opportunity to launch an attack on John Kerry.

Censorship comes in many forms. Self censorship is every bit as effective as the more overt kind and, in the end, much more dangerous.

MSNBC: Singer Linda Ronstadt has found her voice

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