Sunday, July 04, 2004

Bush protests questions

Faced with questions about the death and destruction he has brought to Iraq and his lack of appreciation of the depths of world opposition to his policies that were fired at him by Irish TV reporter Carole Coleman ("Do you not see the world is a more dangerous place?"), the Bush administration reacted by lodging a formal diplomatic protest to the Irish Embassy apparently upset that the reporter neglected to demonstrate the appropriate respect and deference for the Office of the President.

The piece is well worth watching and is currently on the Irish TV web site. Click here to be linked to video of the Carole Coleman interview. (You'll want to be on a high-speed connection as it runs about 12 minutes.)

Not only is there Bush's chillingly clear explanation of his belief that his god told him to invade Iraq, but the interview is also an example of the kind of interviewing techniques rarely seen in America today. If the domestic media were half as curious and devoted to asking difficult questions, Michael Moore would be the least of the Administration's worries.

New York Times: Presidential Interviews Follow a Script (but Not Always)

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