Thursday, November 25, 2004

Secret Service investigates Boulder High School band

In Boulder Colorado the Secret Service investigated a band made up of high-school students after reports of death threats against U.S. President George W. Bush. The group, which now calls itself "Coalition of the Willing," was formerly known as the "Taliband."

Secret Service agents carried out an investigation at the high school after they received reports that the band had changed the lyrics of the 1963 Bob Dylan song Masters of War to include a threat against Bush.

One line in the song, which is an attack on arms dealers, goes "And I hope that you die/And your death'll come soon." However, an anonymous caller reported to the secret service that during a rehearsal the line was changed to "George Bush, I hope you die soon."

"I know that people have made accusations and allegations about people and kids that are unfounded and untrue," Principal Ron Cabrera told the Associated Press. "I talked to many people who were [at the practice], including teachers, students and other faculty and no one altered the lyrics or expressed any ill will or any reference to President Bush or anyone dying."

CBC News: Secret Service investigates high-school band

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