Tuesday, November 16, 2004

A Neocon Definition of Victory

The neocons are flushed with victory:

"Bush has never moved away from his policy agenda and since winning reelection has asserted it again. He thinks success is possible in Iraq and he has no intention of allowing Iran to acquire nuclear weapons."

"Bush regards the election as a vindication of his Iraq policy. All the nay-sayers, the doubters, the defeatists have emerged as losers."

Meanwhile in Iraq, days after George W. Bush announced another "mission accomplished" saying that the U.S. had destroyed rebel control of Fallujah, U.S. artillery pummeled the city while American troops hunted guerrillas door-to-door. Further north, where violence has surged since the U.S. assault on Fallujah began, 15 Iraqis were killed and 22 wounded in the oil refining town of Baiji and a suicide car bomber rammed a U.S. convoy, prompting troops to open fire.

Far from facing off in a decisive battle against the resistance fighters, it seems the more Americans squeeze Falluja, the more the violence explodes elsewhere. Scott Ritter, former U.N. inspector describes the U.S. strategy as, "exercises in futility, akin to squeezing jello. The more you try to get a grasp on the problem, the more it slips through your fingers."

Aljazeera (Qatar) - Squeezing jello in Iraq

New York Times - Neoconservatives Gain Strength in New Bush Team

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