Sunday, November 07, 2004

The Next Holy War: Evangelical Marines Prepare to Battle Barbarians

"What it really comes down to is this: Are the American voters going to sit still for this? Are we going to treat our democracy like some sort of spectator sport, like watching the Super Bowl, or are we going to ask a little more of ourselves this time? Are we going to explore the Bush Administration's claims? Are we going to look at the details of what this administration has actually done?" — William Hartung, Senior Fellow, World Policy Institute

Some answers are emerging...

More Americans believe in the virgin birth of Christ than believe in evolution.

Most of those who voted for George W. Bush still believe that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and that we just haven't been able to find them and that Saddam Hussein directed the attacks on 9/11.

And American Marines are being anointed with oil and assured that god wants them to vanquish the Philistines.

You don't any additional commentary, you just need to click on the link below.

Agence France Presse - Holy War: Evangelical Marines Prepare to Battle Barbarians

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