Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Neo-cons provide al-Quaeda top secret software

Imagine if prominent U.S. neo-conservatives and Israel had ties dating back some 30 years. And what if, thanks to those ties, Israel, managed to insert a "trap door" into some sophisticated high tech military software so that they could spy on us? But what if al-Qaeda managed to acquire the software on the black market in the late 1990s, and then used it to facilitate the group's global banking and money-laundering schemes?

No, it's not the newest Tom Clancy novel. According to sources, Pentagon investigators believe that's exactly what happened and that al-Qaeda used the software to spy on various U.S. agencies that could have detected or foiled the Sep. 11, 2001 attack.

Interpress (North America): Spy Probe Scans Neo-Con Israel Ties

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