Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Touchy Times in Florida

If you want to make sure your vote is counted, be sure to cast an absentee ballot because it's the only way to create a paper trail which will come in very handy if there's a recount. So urged the Republican party of Florida in a mailing to supporters.

This following months of instance that the new electronic voting machines are fool proof. So fool proof in fact that Governor Jeb Bush has blocked as totally unnecessary all moves to adapt the electronic machines to provide a paper receipt.

It's probably paranoid to worry that the Florida Repugnicants have hatched a plot to trigger a recount where only their ballots can be recounted, right? I mean this would be as bad as trying to stage a "purge" of voter registration rolls that removes African Americans and Democrats. Nobody would try that, right?

Meanwhile, according to several Florida newspapers, the demand for absentee ballots has mushroomed. At the very least, look for a late and fluctuating vote returns total Florida in November ... which in itself will be enough to call into question Florida's ability to hold an election.

The Ledger (Lakeland, FL): To Touch, Or Not to Touch?

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