Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Get this straight: businesses do not create jobs, consumers do

This one is really easy. Despite what you have been told, businesses do not create jobs. In fact, there is no evidence that capital gains tax cuts, investment tax credits, preferred treatment of corporate dividends, repeal of the estate tax, accelerated appreciation schedules, corporate tax reductions, tax breaks for buying a Hummer, or any of the hundreds of tax breaks lavished on businesses and investors since George W. Bush took office has lead to the creation of even one job.

So who creates jobs? Easy, consumers create jobs. It works like this: without new customers business has no reason to hire more people. So, tax breaks that put money back into the pockets of those most likely to spend it will create jobs, but giving money away to those who already own as much as they want will not create jobs.

Economic Policy Institute (Washington): Job growth stalls in last two months, underlining failure of tax cuts as job creation strategy

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