Saturday, August 07, 2004

As another U.S. seeded dictatorship takes root, the world wonders if Americans will ever learn

As Americans stand by and watch our hand-picked puppet in Iraq is turning into another military dictator. Unable to bring any semblance of order to the chaotic mess that we've made of Iraq, Prime Minister Iyad Allawi is about to impose martial law. No dobut this will include curfews, searches, seizures, and arrests without warrant, the closing of newspapers, and all of the other standard paraphernalia that usually accompany a dictatorship. So much for George W. Bush's promise to deliver "the almighty's gift of freedom" to the long suffering people of Iraq.

(As a sidelight, you might recall that Allawi is the U.S. appointed interim Prime Minister to whom America turned over power early. He's also the same fellow who personally executed several suspected insurgents in order to set an example for his police force. Click here for that story which has been largely ignored by the U.S. media.)

This seems to be a long standing tradition with American involvement. Liberation by the U.S. promises freedom, peace, and prosperity but, more often than not, delivers decades of repression, suffering and death. The Shah of Iran, Diem in Vietnam, Pinochet in Chile, and Noriega in Panama. Not to mention the Taliban (and, ironically, Osama Bin Laden who was trained and placed by the CIA) in Afghanistan. (Click here for a more complete chronology.)

George W. Bush still insists that they "hate us because we love freedom." If they hate us it's because the fact is because we don't much care about anyone's freedom but our own.

Independent (London): Iraq set to use martial law in terror fight

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