Wednesday, August 11, 2004

"Protest against terrorism is a terrorist act."

"If you have a protest group protesting a war where the cause that's being fought against is international terrorism, you have terrorism at that protest," said Mike Van Winkle, of the California Attorney General's Office. "A protest against that is a terrorist act." He was talking about an incident in Oakland, CA where police opened fire on the peaceful crowd with wooden pellets. The Attorney General's Office had issued a bulletin to local police warning about the potential for terrorist violence at an antiwar protest. It later turned out there had been no real basis for the terrorism warning.

Fast forward now to the Republican National Convention where 250,000 protesters are expected. They are organized and they are capitalizing on the pent-up frustration and anger of the American people. The web site of the group "" has gathered and posted inside information on the location of special delegates' events and is distributing organizing kits. Organizers are not focusing on the convention center because it will bee too heavily guarded with more than 36,000 police on duty, but rather on city wide targets.

The lengthy story from the Guardian of London, linked below, covers the RNC story as well as the decline in American civil liberties in great detail. Even if you don't usually follow the links from this blog, follow this one. Read this story and weep. And ask where the mainstream American media is on this story. Better to be "fair and balanced" rather than risk being called "liberal media."

Guardian (UK): New York Lockdown

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