Friday, December 17, 2004

Whistlin' Past the Graveyard

Even with a fresh set of Bin Laden tapes and attempts to appoint a gangster bully to head Homeland Security, what should really be terrifying Americans is that our "allies" in Pakistan continue to run the world's largest illicit weapons bazaar, and that they do it with the full support of the Bush Administration.

"Senior investigators said they were especially worried that dangerous elements of the illicit network of manufacturers and suppliers remain undetected and capable of operations," the Los Angeles Times reported.

The weapons bazaar is run by Pakistan's top nuclear scientist, Abdul Qadeer Khan who is currently under the protection of Pakistan's military dictator, President Pervez Musharraf, who pardoned Khan and refuses to allow foreign investigators to speak with him. What "officials call the world's worst case of nuclear proliferation" -- in which sophisticated nuclear technology was supplied to Libya, Iran and other rogue nations -- never would have been possible without the support of the Pakistani military, the Times reported.

Woah! Wait just a minute! The Pakistani military? The same organization that made Pakistan a dictatorship in a 1999 coup by installing General Pervez Musharraf as "President" followed by George W. Bush's decision to disregard international nonproliferation restraints and drop U.S. sanctions against Pakistan?

You mean to say that Pervez Musharraf who, Bush now lauds and accommodates at every turn, is the kingpin of weapons proliferation?

No, apparently he is our staunch ally in Bush's "war on terror." Some other guy is responsible for the spread of weapons of mass destruction.

Los Angeles Times - Robert Scheer: Ignoring a threat to keep an "ally"

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