Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Faith-based Hell

Blithely ignoring the legitimate protests of his hosts, George W. Bush joked his way past serious issues, "I appreciate the Canadian people who came out to wave - with all five fingers (snick, snick, snick)."

Then he turned around and gave the finger to his many critics around the world, "I haven't seen the polls you look at, but we just had a poll in our country, where people decided that the foreign policy of the Bush administration ought to be - stay in place for four more years."

In other words: "Bush to the world (and everyone else): 'Bite me.!'"

Why, oh why does the President of the United States of America insist on behaving this way?

It's because he views the world from a faith-based perspective. And that's precisely why government should never, ever, operate from a faith-based orientation.

People of faith see no need whatsoever to present reasons or empirical evidence to back up their positions. In fact, they see no point in entertaining discussion at all. Either you accept the faith or not, but there is no reason or basis for discussion or debate. Of course, this faith-based outlook also removes any opportunity to learn or to grow (and alleviates any need to ever admit that you made mistakes in the past).

A faith based world is one of clear black and white choices: "You're either with us or you're with the terrorists;" "No abortions, no exceptions;" and on an on.

Thank goodness the real world, the one in which we all live, is one with a wonderful and infinite variety of shades of gray. Indeed, it has been said that only an insane person would live in a world of black and white.

George W. Bush clearly governs from a faith-based perspective. He has no doubt that he stands for good and morality and he readily concludes that therefore those who disagree with him are not just loyal opposition, but that they must somehow stand for evil and immorality.

The world is a much more dangerous and instable place today because George W. Bush possesses weapons of mass destruction and has proven his willingness to use the largest and most violent military establishment in the history of humankind to pursue his faith-based view of the world.

Ironic, isn't it? The threat of a madman in posession of weapons of mass destruction is the excuse George Bush used to invade and occupy Iraq. Now watch as America eagerly pursues George Bush's next target.

South Australia Advertiser Canada's frosty welcome for Bush

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