Today it happened. To me. I should have known something was up when the Monday afternoon executive team meeting was cancelled with no reason offfered. I only began to get mildly anxious when three of the six Senior VPs, including me, had meetings scheduled one-hour apart in the afternoon with the new CEO. But honestly, I didn't really believe it when the first SVP came into my office with the news, "He's going to sack all three of us, March 6th is my last day."
But he did. Just like that. "I've decided to go forward without you. March sixth will be your last day. Please see HR for the details and let me know when you have." He said other stuff too, but the funny thing is, just like they tell you in manager training, I didn't hear a thing after the first sentence.
So, I've got a lot to do in the next couple of days. But I think I'll try to use this space to keep some sort of running commentary as this new adventure unfolds.
First is my wife of 30+ years. "He's decided to eliminate my position." It seems so matter of fact. I'm so fortunate. I can't imagine what it would be like to go through this alone.
Next a series of phone calls to my "direct reports." They're disbelieving. We make a plan to meet first thing tomorrow morning and decide how to tell the rest of the staff.
The tease for the late news is something about the number of unemployed. Yesterday those headlines were more hypothetical.
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