He can't really run on the economy ... what with the stock market bumping along at its low for the year.
He's tried running on fear ... "Vote for us or you'll die!" ... but that's getting a little old now that it's clear that he allowed hundreds of tons of high explosives to "vanish" after he told us that invading Iraq would make us safe.
And even the greed appeal ... "I'll cut your taxes" ... is wearing thin since so many of us are unemployed now.
So what's George W. Bush to do with only a week to go?
Turns out there's a plan shaping up to have thousands of Republican observers in polling places in battleground states with the aim of causing enough confusion and doubt so that there will inevitably be legal challenges, but this time from several states all at once.
And then the Supreme Court would have to step in. But unlike last time they'd decline rule on a raft of state-by-state cases and instead rule that since the election has been so badly botched it should be invalidated.
And, according to Rehnquist and Thomas' strict interpretation there is no Constitutional reqirement that an election be held to select the President. According to their reasoning Presidential elections are a nice tradition, but not required by the Constitution.
So what's the alternative? If there's no valid election, guess who gets to select the President? The Republican controlled House of Representatives, that's who.
The Independent (UK) - Portrait of a country on the verge of a nervous breakdown
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