Tuesday, October 19, 2004

1,100 and Counting: Bush Cuts Veteran's Benefits

With little fanfare we crossed another milestone this week as the 1,100th U.S. soldier was killed. (Actually, as of this writing the official number is now 1,102, not to mention, of course, the 15,357 Iraqis who have been killed.)

But the big numbers belie the personal tragedies like the one related in the link below.

Even if you usually do not follow the linked stories, take the time to read this one ... and as you do remember that George W. Bush has cut V.A. psychological treatment programs because they are subject to abuse (only girly men need counseling) and besides there are faith-based organizations to minister to troubled souls (if you're worried about burning in hell you just need to pray for forgiveness).

Portsmouth Herald - South of the Border: Marine returns from Iraq to emotional ruin, suicide

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