Saturday, October 30, 2004

Sins of the Cold-blooded

John F. Kennedy, in a campaign speech at a rally at the University of Minnesota in 1960, said,

"We have all made mistakes. But Dante tells us that divine justice weighs the sins of the cold-blooded and the sins of the warm-hearted on different scales. Better the occasional faults of a party living in the spirit of charity than the consistent omissions of a party frozen in the ice of its own indifference."

Woodburydadd may not post much the next few days because we'll all be working 24-hours a day until the end of the election doing whatever it takes to over throw the Pretender and begin the long path to the reconstruction of America.

Sins of the Cold-blooded

John F. Kennedy, in a campaign speech at a rally at the University of Minnesota in 1960, said,

"We have all made mistakes. But Dante tells us that divine justice weighs the sins of the cold-blooded and the sins of the warm-hearted on different scales. Better the occasional faults of a party living in the spirit of charity than the consistent omissions of a party frozen in the ice of its own indifference."

Woodburydadd may not post much the next few days because we'll all be working 24-hours a day until the end of the election doing whatever it takes to over throw the Pretender and begin the long path to the reconstruction of America.

Friday, October 29, 2004

With Odds of 100 to 1, America Should Remember, The Whole World is Watching

This is one of those things where, if you really are concerned about living in a safer America, you need to consider how the story is playing in the foreign press:

"Most individuals reportedly killed by coalition forces were women and children, an abstract of the report published on the website of the medical journal Lancet said."

"A study designed and conducted by two American universities and a Baghdad institution estimates that a staggering 100,000 may have died in the 18-months since the United States invaded Iraq."

"The risk of death from violence in the period after the invasion was 58 times higher than in the period before the war, the researchers reported."

"Number of American troops killed in Iraq as of October 28: around 1,100. Number of Iraqis estimated killed: more than 100,000."

"Neither the invading US forces nor the Iraqi interim government have tallied deaths caused by the invading forces."

The whole world is watching.

Now, let's say that each of the 100,000 killed left behind a grieving family member or two. Assuming they weren't subsequently killed themselves that would be almost many new enemies of the United States as there are tons of high explosives missing from Al Qaqaa.

Just think, an aggrieved father, out of work since the Americans invaded his country, destroyed the Iraqi economy, and brought in U.S. contractors to take whatever jobs might be left. No electricity, no prospects for the future, and nothing to loose now that his family has been killed.

In fact, he's got nothing left in this world, except a ton of high explosives that his neighbor looted after the George W. Bush invaded his country.

And the Whole World is Watching.

In other news:

"It is crucial for the American president to be consistent. I have learned the American president must base decisions on principle - core convictions on which he should never waver," George W. Bush told a group of some 5,000 people in Toledo.

Later that day, also in Toledo, John F. Kerry exhorted a crowd of 80,000 supporters, "Can you imagine President Kennedy, in the wake of the Bay of Pigs, standing up and telling the American people that he couldn't think of a single mistake he'd made? That he would do everything again exactly the same way? Mr. President, John Kennedy was a leader who knew how to take responsibility for his actions. Mr. Bush, it's time for you to take responsibility for yours. Our troops in Iraq are doing a heroic job. The problem is, our commander in chief isn't doing his."


Times of India - 100:1 is the Iraqi-US death ratio

With Odds of 100 to 1, America Should Remember, The Whole World is Watching

This is one of those things where, if you really are concerned about living in a safer America, you need to consider how the story is playing in the foreign press:

"Most individuals reportedly killed by coalition forces were women and children, an abstract of the report published on the website of the medical journal Lancet said."

"A study designed and conducted by two American universities and a Baghdad institution estimates that a staggering 100,000 may have died in the 18-months since the United States invaded Iraq."

"The risk of death from violence in the period after the invasion was 58 times higher than in the period before the war, the researchers reported."

"Number of American troops killed in Iraq as of October 28: around 1,100. Number of Iraqis estimated killed: more than 100,000."

"Neither the invading US forces nor the Iraqi interim government have tallied deaths caused by the invading forces."

The whole world is watching.

Now, let's say that each of the 100,000 killed left behind a grieving family member or two. Assuming they weren't subsequently killed themselves that would be almost many new enemies of the United States as there are tons of high explosives missing from Al Qaqaa.

Just think, an aggrieved father, out of work since the Americans invaded his country, destroyed the Iraqi economy, and brought in U.S. contractors to take whatever jobs might be left. No electricity, no prospects for the future, and nothing to loose now that his family has been killed.

In fact, he's got nothing left in this world, except a ton of high explosives that his neighbor looted after the George W. Bush invaded his country.

And the Whole World is Watching.

In other news:

"It is crucial for the American president to be consistent. I have learned the American president must base decisions on principle - core convictions on which he should never waver," George W. Bush told a group of some 5,000 people in Toledo.

Later that day, also in Toledo, John F. Kerry exhorted a crowd of 80,000 supporters, "Can you imagine President Kennedy, in the wake of the Bay of Pigs, standing up and telling the American people that he couldn't think of a single mistake he'd made? That he would do everything again exactly the same way? Mr. President, John Kennedy was a leader who knew how to take responsibility for his actions. Mr. Bush, it's time for you to take responsibility for yours. Our troops in Iraq are doing a heroic job. The problem is, our commander in chief isn't doing his."


Times of India - 100:1 is the Iraqi-US death ratio

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Local News Video Shows Explosives at Al Qaqaa Weeks after Bush Invasion

After two days of scrambling and trying out different answers ("What explosives? ... We had other priorities ... We got a lot of other explosives ... ") George W. Bush finally settled on his line, "the explosives were gone before we got there," and besides, John Kerry is making "wild charges." Then he unleashed apologist Rudy Guiliani to growl and snarl, "John Kerry wants to pretend we know what happened, but we don't know what happened. The best possibility is that those explosives were gone even before the troops got there. At least it's an equal possibility. John Kerry hasn't admitted that."

Now suppose a sleepy little local TV station in the Midwest just happened to have a camera crew "embedded" with U.S. forces during the invasion of Iraq. And suppose that they just happened to shoot a little video tape at the munitions dump at Al Qaqaa about ten days after the fall of Baghdad. What if that tape clearly clearly shows that the 377 tons of high explosives were still there after a week and a half after George W. Bush took control of Iraq? What if the news video even showed the U.S. troops using bolt cutters to break into the locked warehouses, playing around with the explosives, and then leaving the doors standing open as they left?

(Click hereto go to the TV station's Web site which included (as of 2:30 CDT) a link to the video.)

KSTP (MN) - 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS video may be linked to missing explosives in Iraq

Herald Sun (AU) - Bush returns fire on stolen explosives

Local News Video Shows Explosives at Al Qaqaa Weeks after Bush Invasion

After two days of scrambling and trying out different answers ("What explosives? ... We had other priorities ... We got a lot of other explosives ... ") George W. Bush finally settled on his line, "the explosives were gone before we got there," and besides, John Kerry is making "wild charges." Then he unleashed apologist Rudy Guiliani to growl and snarl, "John Kerry wants to pretend we know what happened, but we don't know what happened. The best possibility is that those explosives were gone even before the troops got there. At least it's an equal possibility. John Kerry hasn't admitted that."

Now suppose a sleepy little local TV station in the Midwest just happened to have a camera crew "embedded" with U.S. forces during the invasion of Iraq. And suppose that they just happened to shoot a little video tape at the munitions dump at Al Qaqaa about ten days after the fall of Baghdad. What if that tape clearly clearly shows that the 377 tons of high explosives were still there after a week and a half after George W. Bush took control of Iraq? What if the news video even showed the U.S. troops using bolt cutters to break into the locked warehouses, playing around with the explosives, and then leaving the doors standing open as they left?

(Click hereto go to the TV station's Web site which included (as of 2:30 CDT) a link to the video.)

KSTP (MN) - 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS video may be linked to missing explosives in Iraq

Herald Sun (AU) - Bush returns fire on stolen explosives

Making Sure His Vote Counts

Without notice a silver Cadillac sped through an intersection, swerved, jumped the curb and barreled down the sidewalk straight toward Katherine Harris, the heavily made up former Florida Secretary of State who stopped counting ballots in the 2000 election when George W. Bush was 537 votes ahead. At the last minute the driver, Barry M. Seltzer, 46, of Sarasota, swerved away and back onto the street leaving no one injured.

He later went to the police and reported that Ms. Harris, now a U.S. Representative from Florida, and her supporters had been standing in the street, impeding traffic and that had been exercising his right to express his political views. "I intimidated them with my car," Mr. Seltzer told the police. "I was exercising my political expression. I did not run them down."

While Woodburydadd whole heartedly encourages political activism, especially this year, it's best not to use your silver Cadillac to deliver your vote in this way.

New York Times - Katherine Harris Is Almost Hit by Car

Making Sure His Vote Counts

Without notice a silver Cadillac sped through an intersection, swerved, jumped the curb and barreled down the sidewalk straight toward Katherine Harris, the heavily made up former Florida Secretary of State who stopped counting ballots in the 2000 election when George W. Bush was 537 votes ahead. At the last minute the driver, Barry M. Seltzer, 46, of Sarasota, swerved away and back onto the street leaving no one injured.

He later went to the police and reported that Ms. Harris, now a U.S. Representative from Florida, and her supporters had been standing in the street, impeding traffic and that had been exercising his right to express his political views. "I intimidated them with my car," Mr. Seltzer told the police. "I was exercising my political expression. I did not run them down."

While Woodburydadd whole heartedly encourages political activism, especially this year, it's best not to use your silver Cadillac to deliver your vote in this way.

New York Times - Katherine Harris Is Almost Hit by Car

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

The November Surprise: Gasoline Prices Up 40%, Likewise Oil Company Profits

Everybody knows that crude oil prices have been relentlessly moving to record highs. But here's the really odd thing: gasoline prices haven't kept pace with oil prices. In fact, even though gasoline is more expensive than ever, it's still about 40% behind the increase in crude oil prices.

How could this be?

Well, one reason is that the oil companies have been using-up the stocks of crude oil they have on hand and postponing purchases of the higher priced crude oil on the market today.

Why would they do that?

Maybe they're hoping that crude oil prices will fall. Maybe they hope that once George W. Bush has been elected, and after he brings peace and free elections to Iraq sometime in January, the grateful Iraqis will turn on the tap and the oil companies will be able to refill their tanks at new low prices.

Yeah, I'll bet that's it. Thank goodness those crafty oil barons are looking out for you and me and gaming the oil producing nations on behalf of the American consumer.

Or maybe there's something else going on.

It just might be that the oil companies are conspiring to artificially hold gasoline prices down until after the election in order to affect the outcome of the election.

If that's the case, better prepare for gasoline prices to rise about 40% or so to match crude oil prices. That would be something like $3 a gallon just in time for New Years. And it would also mean more record profits for the oil companies.

New York Times - Surging Oil Prices Lift BP's Quarterly Profit 43%

The November Surprise: Gasoline Prices Up 40%, Likewise Oil Company Profits

Everybody knows that crude oil prices have been relentlessly moving to record highs. But here's the really odd thing: gasoline prices haven't kept pace with oil prices. In fact, even though gasoline is more expensive than ever, it's still about 40% behind the increase in crude oil prices.

How could this be?

Well, one reason is that the oil companies have been using-up the stocks of crude oil they have on hand and postponing purchases of the higher priced crude oil on the market today.

Why would they do that?

Maybe they're hoping that crude oil prices will fall. Maybe they hope that once George W. Bush has been elected, and after he brings peace and free elections to Iraq sometime in January, the grateful Iraqis will turn on the tap and the oil companies will be able to refill their tanks at new low prices.

Yeah, I'll bet that's it. Thank goodness those crafty oil barons are looking out for you and me and gaming the oil producing nations on behalf of the American consumer.

Or maybe there's something else going on.

It just might be that the oil companies are conspiring to artificially hold gasoline prices down until after the election in order to affect the outcome of the election.

If that's the case, better prepare for gasoline prices to rise about 40% or so to match crude oil prices. That would be something like $3 a gallon just in time for New Years. And it would also mean more record profits for the oil companies.

New York Times - Surging Oil Prices Lift BP's Quarterly Profit 43%

Monday, October 25, 2004

Bush's Back-up Plan: Declare Elections Unconstitutional

Would George W. Bush really subvert the Constitution and sabotage the election? Consider this...

He can't really run on the economy ... what with the stock market bumping along at its low for the year.

He's tried running on fear ... "Vote for us or you'll die!" ... but that's getting a little old now that it's clear that he allowed hundreds of tons of high explosives to "vanish" after he told us that invading Iraq would make us safe.

And even the greed appeal ... "I'll cut your taxes" ... is wearing thin since so many of us are unemployed now.

So what's George W. Bush to do with only a week to go?

Turns out there's a plan shaping up to have thousands of Republican observers in polling places in battleground states with the aim of causing enough confusion and doubt so that there will inevitably be legal challenges, but this time from several states all at once.

And then the Supreme Court would have to step in. But unlike last time they'd decline rule on a raft of state-by-state cases and instead rule that since the election has been so badly botched it should be invalidated.

And, according to Rehnquist and Thomas' strict interpretation there is no Constitutional reqirement that an election be held to select the President. According to their reasoning Presidential elections are a nice tradition, but not required by the Constitution.

So what's the alternative? If there's no valid election, guess who gets to select the President? The Republican controlled House of Representatives, that's who.

The Independent (UK) - Portrait of a country on the verge of a nervous breakdown

Bush's Back-up Plan: Declare Elections Unconstitutional

Would George W. Bush really subvert the Constitution and sabotage the election? Consider this...

He can't really run on the economy ... what with the stock market bumping along at its low for the year.

He's tried running on fear ... "Vote for us or you'll die!" ... but that's getting a little old now that it's clear that he allowed hundreds of tons of high explosives to "vanish" after he told us that invading Iraq would make us safe.

And even the greed appeal ... "I'll cut your taxes" ... is wearing thin since so many of us are unemployed now.

So what's George W. Bush to do with only a week to go?

Turns out there's a plan shaping up to have thousands of Republican observers in polling places in battleground states with the aim of causing enough confusion and doubt so that there will inevitably be legal challenges, but this time from several states all at once.

And then the Supreme Court would have to step in. But unlike last time they'd decline rule on a raft of state-by-state cases and instead rule that since the election has been so badly botched it should be invalidated.

And, according to Rehnquist and Thomas' strict interpretation there is no Constitutional reqirement that an election be held to select the President. According to their reasoning Presidential elections are a nice tradition, but not required by the Constitution.

So what's the alternative? If there's no valid election, guess who gets to select the President? The Republican controlled House of Representatives, that's who.

The Independent (UK) - Portrait of a country on the verge of a nervous breakdown

Arrogance Again: 350 Tons of High Explosives Missing in Iraqi

Once the U.S. invaded Iraq the Pentagon kicked out inspectors and personnel from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) who had been monitoring conditions inside Iraq. On their way out the IAEA warned the U.S. about all of the stockpiles and sites it had been tracking.

Now, it turns out, nearly 350 tons of high explosives have vanished from a military complex 16 miles south of Baghdad, right under the noses of U.S. forces.

The explosives, which can be used in powerful conventional weapons or to detonate nuclear devices were taken some point after the U.S. invasion in April 2003. The IAEA had warned the U.S. about the danger posed by the explosives on several occasions and were specifically told the Pentagon to keep the material secured.

The chemical and explosives complex was repeatedly visited by weapons inspectors and had been under continuous monitoring by the IAEA until the US. invasion of Iraq, after which point it had not been allowed to access the site.

According to the BBC, "It is not yet known whether U.S. President George W. Bush has been informed."

Probably not. Why bother?

BBC News - Tons of Iraqi Explosives Missing

Arrogance Again: 350 Tons of High Explosives Missing in Iraqi

Once the U.S. invaded Iraq the Pentagon kicked out inspectors and personnel from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) who had been monitoring conditions inside Iraq. On their way out the IAEA warned the U.S. about all of the stockpiles and sites it had been tracking.

Now, it turns out, nearly 350 tons of high explosives have vanished from a military complex 16 miles south of Baghdad, right under the noses of U.S. forces.

The explosives, which can be used in powerful conventional weapons or to detonate nuclear devices were taken some point after the U.S. invasion in April 2003. The IAEA had warned the U.S. about the danger posed by the explosives on several occasions and were specifically told the Pentagon to keep the material secured.

The chemical and explosives complex was repeatedly visited by weapons inspectors and had been under continuous monitoring by the IAEA until the US. invasion of Iraq, after which point it had not been allowed to access the site.

According to the BBC, "It is not yet known whether U.S. President George W. Bush has been informed."

Probably not. Why bother?

BBC News - Tons of Iraqi Explosives Missing

Sunday, October 24, 2004

In Secret Ceremony Bush Signs $136 Billion Corporate Tax Give-Away

In a private meeting aboard Air Force One while flying across the country to a campaign appearance, without any fanfare or notice, George W. Bush signed into law another round of tax cuts for the rich and powerful, this time focusing on corporate titans. The measure is the most sweeping overhaul of corporate tax law since 1986.

The bill includes $136 billion in new tax breaks, most of them give-aways to corporations including military contractors General Dynamics and Northrup Grumman and some Houston companies that have re-incorporated in foreign tax havens.

Nevertheless, ever mindful of the fact that the election looms near, corporations aren't the only beneficiaries. Special consideration is also given to fishermen, bow and arrow hunters, native Alaskan whalers, importers of Chinese ceiling fans, and NASCAR race track owners. Tobacco farmers, however, must be a bit confused: although they'll get an accelerated payment under a crop buy-out program, the bill also gives the tobacco companies the ability to import unlimited amounts of uninspected cheap foreign grown tobacco.

To no one's surprise, as soon as Air Force One landed Bush immediately praised the new law as a "jobs creation act for manufacturers and small businesses" and noted that it is especially tailored to individual battleground states such as Pennsylvania and Ohio.

In other news: The Bush administration announced that government spending for the year ended September 30 rose 6.2 per cent to $2.29 trillion, swamping income, which climbed only 5.5 per cent to $1.88 trillion, and that the 2004 Federal budget deficit had exploded to $413 billion an increase of 9.5 per cent over the previous year.

Bloomberg - Bush Signs $145 Billion Corporate Tax Cut, Tobacco Buy-out

Australia Financial Review - Bush posts record US budget deficit

In Secret Ceremony Bush Signs $136 Billion Corporate Tax Give-Away

In a private meeting aboard Air Force One while flying across the country to a campaign appearance, without any fanfare or notice, George W. Bush signed into law another round of tax cuts for the rich and powerful, this time focusing on corporate titans. The measure is the most sweeping overhaul of corporate tax law since 1986.

The bill includes $136 billion in new tax breaks, most of them give-aways to corporations including military contractors General Dynamics and Northrup Grumman and some Houston companies that have re-incorporated in foreign tax havens.

Nevertheless, ever mindful of the fact that the election looms near, corporations aren't the only beneficiaries. Special consideration is also given to fishermen, bow and arrow hunters, native Alaskan whalers, importers of Chinese ceiling fans, and NASCAR race track owners. Tobacco farmers, however, must be a bit confused: although they'll get an accelerated payment under a crop buy-out program, the bill also gives the tobacco companies the ability to import unlimited amounts of uninspected cheap foreign grown tobacco.

To no one's surprise, as soon as Air Force One landed Bush immediately praised the new law as a "jobs creation act for manufacturers and small businesses" and noted that it is especially tailored to individual battleground states such as Pennsylvania and Ohio.

In other news: The Bush administration announced that government spending for the year ended September 30 rose 6.2 per cent to $2.29 trillion, swamping income, which climbed only 5.5 per cent to $1.88 trillion, and that the 2004 Federal budget deficit had exploded to $413 billion an increase of 9.5 per cent over the previous year.

Bloomberg - Bush Signs $145 Billion Corporate Tax Cut, Tobacco Buy-out

Australia Financial Review - Bush posts record US budget deficit

American Democracy on the Ropes: Republicans Plan to Challenge Voters at Polls

You new that it had to be coming, the interesting question was not when, but what would it be? An "October Surprise" announcement that Osama's been captured? Nope, too late for that. A Karl Rove special attack ad in the last weeks before the campaign juxtaposing John Kerry and Karl Marx? It seems less and less likely. But you just know that the Bush/Cheney campaign has something up their sleeve that they'll drop so close to the election that there will be no time to respond.

And here it is. Diabolically simple and timed to hit one election day itself! In swing states all across the country the G.O.P. has mobilized thousands of "volunteer election observers" who will go to the polls and challenge citizens rights to vote with the objective of slowing down the polling process, creating confusion and delays, and hoping that voters will be discouraged and turn away.

New York - Big G.O.P. Bid to Challenge Voters at Polls in Key State

American Democracy on the Ropes: Republicans Plan to Challenge Voters at Polls

You new that it had to be coming, the interesting question was not when, but what would it be? An "October Surprise" announcement that Osama's been captured? Nope, too late for that. A Karl Rove special attack ad in the last weeks before the campaign juxtaposing John Kerry and Karl Marx? It seems less and less likely. But you just know that the Bush/Cheney campaign has something up their sleeve that they'll drop so close to the election that there will be no time to respond.

And here it is. Diabolically simple and timed to hit one election day itself! In swing states all across the country the G.O.P. has mobilized thousands of "volunteer election observers" who will go to the polls and challenge citizens rights to vote with the objective of slowing down the polling process, creating confusion and delays, and hoping that voters will be discouraged and turn away.

New York - Big G.O.P. Bid to Challenge Voters at Polls in Key State

Saturday, October 23, 2004

One-third of Reservists Fail to Report for Duty, Bush Touts "All Volunteer Army"

More than one-third of U.S. soldiers ordered to report in a call up of the Individual Ready Reserve have failed to comply with orders to report for duty in Iraq or Afghanistan, according to the U.S. Army. The Pentagon said the number was about what they expected.

The Individual Ready Reserve is a supplemental pool consisting of about 118,000 soldiers who have completed active duty but remain under a contractual obligation to serve when called. The IRR was last tapped in 1991, when 20,000 troops were called up for Operation Desert Storm. Most members of the IRR are veterans who have completed their regular enlistment but have specialized training in critical areas like military policing, engineering, logistics, medicine, transportation or ... well, just about anything the Army needs to get done. When called they are put on active duty for a minimum of 12 months, leaving behind families, careers and communities.

In other news:

A Marine killed in western Iraq earlier this week was identified as Sgt. Douglas E. Bascom, 25, of Colorado Springs, who, according to the Pentagon, was the first member of the Individual Ready Reserve to be killed in Iraq.

Meanwhile on the campaign trail, George W. Bush continued to insist that he has no plans to reinstate the military draft, boasting that America's "all volunteer Army" will continue to fight his War on Terror.

So now go across the street to your neighbor's. You know, the one who's not answering his door anymore. Ask him how he feels about being a member of the All Volunteer Army fighting Bush's War on Terror. And ask him why in the world he's still got that goofy Bush/Cheney sign in the yard.

China View - Over 800 US ex-soldiers fail to report for duty

One-third of Reservists Fail to Report for Duty, Bush Touts "All Volunteer Army"

More than one-third of U.S. soldiers ordered to report in a call up of the Individual Ready Reserve have failed to comply with orders to report for duty in Iraq or Afghanistan, according to the U.S. Army. The Pentagon said the number was about what they expected.

The Individual Ready Reserve is a supplemental pool consisting of about 118,000 soldiers who have completed active duty but remain under a contractual obligation to serve when called. The IRR was last tapped in 1991, when 20,000 troops were called up for Operation Desert Storm. Most members of the IRR are veterans who have completed their regular enlistment but have specialized training in critical areas like military policing, engineering, logistics, medicine, transportation or ... well, just about anything the Army needs to get done. When called they are put on active duty for a minimum of 12 months, leaving behind families, careers and communities.

In other news:

A Marine killed in western Iraq earlier this week was identified as Sgt. Douglas E. Bascom, 25, of Colorado Springs, who, according to the Pentagon, was the first member of the Individual Ready Reserve to be killed in Iraq.

Meanwhile on the campaign trail, George W. Bush continued to insist that he has no plans to reinstate the military draft, boasting that America's "all volunteer Army" will continue to fight his War on Terror.

So now go across the street to your neighbor's. You know, the one who's not answering his door anymore. Ask him how he feels about being a member of the All Volunteer Army fighting Bush's War on Terror. And ask him why in the world he's still got that goofy Bush/Cheney sign in the yard.

China View - Over 800 US ex-soldiers fail to report for duty

Friday, October 22, 2004

More Republican Delusion As Iraqi Prime Minister Allawi Tops Bush in Approval Ratings

Support among Iraqis for the government in Baghdad has plunged since the U.S. appointed it last summer. Just over 45 percent of those surveyed said Allawi had been effective since taking office in June, down from over 66 percent in July. Support for his government plummeted from 62 percent to 43 percent over the same period. (Coincidentally, those numbers are about the same as Americans' evaluation of George W. Bush's handling of his War on Terror.)

The survey, ironically entitled "Optimistic Outlook on the Future and Support for Democracy Continues in Iraq" was taken at the end of September and showed popular support for U.S. appointed interim Prime Minister Ayad Allawi had dropped more than 20 percentage points since July.

There's cause to wonder if even these dismal numbers aren't a bit too optimistic. The survey was carried out by an outfit called the "International Republican Institute," which is a U.S. government-funded organization created during the Reagan administration to promote democracy around the world. Lately it has been called upon to provide "independent" research in support of the George W. Bush's War on Terror and to oversee efforts to build political parties in Iraq. It is headed by Bush administration apologists like Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), Rep. David Dreier (R-CA), Sen. Chuck Hagel, (R-NE), Rep. Jim Kolbe, (R-AZ) and a whole host of defense contractors and former Republican administration appointees.

The Washington Post, reporting figures not publicly released by the IRI, said the survey also found that the most popular politician in Iraq was Abdel Aziz Hakim, leader of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, followed closely by anti-American Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.

Seattle Times - Survey: Support for regime slipping

More Republican Delusion As Iraqi Prime Minister Allawi Tops Bush in Approval Ratings

Support among Iraqis for the government in Baghdad has plunged since the U.S. appointed it last summer. Just over 45 percent of those surveyed said Allawi had been effective since taking office in June, down from over 66 percent in July. Support for his government plummeted from 62 percent to 43 percent over the same period. (Coincidentally, those numbers are about the same as Americans' evaluation of George W. Bush's handling of his War on Terror.)

The survey, ironically entitled "Optimistic Outlook on the Future and Support for Democracy Continues in Iraq" was taken at the end of September and showed popular support for U.S. appointed interim Prime Minister Ayad Allawi had dropped more than 20 percentage points since July.

There's cause to wonder if even these dismal numbers aren't a bit too optimistic. The survey was carried out by an outfit called the "International Republican Institute," which is a U.S. government-funded organization created during the Reagan administration to promote democracy around the world. Lately it has been called upon to provide "independent" research in support of the George W. Bush's War on Terror and to oversee efforts to build political parties in Iraq. It is headed by Bush administration apologists like Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), Rep. David Dreier (R-CA), Sen. Chuck Hagel, (R-NE), Rep. Jim Kolbe, (R-AZ) and a whole host of defense contractors and former Republican administration appointees.

The Washington Post, reporting figures not publicly released by the IRI, said the survey also found that the most popular politician in Iraq was Abdel Aziz Hakim, leader of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, followed closely by anti-American Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.

Seattle Times - Survey: Support for regime slipping

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Challenging Bush Supporters' Legal Competency

There is now proof that it helps to be delusional if you still want to support George W. Bush. According to a new survey by the University of Maryland's Program on International Policy Attitudes:

Three out of four Bush supporters still believe Saddam Hussein was involved in the September 11, 2001 attacks, despite all evidence to the contrary.

Half of them still believe, despite concrete proof, that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, and one in four still believe it was developing them.

Three out of four also still believe Hussein provided substantial support to al-Qaeda and, contrary to its published report, half of them believe that the September 11 Commission found such ties.

Psychiatrists will tell you that "delusion" is a false belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence, and is a sure sign of mental illness as in "delusions of persecution" and "delusions of grandeur."

In most states (except perhaps Texas and Florida) individuals in a state of active psychosis are not allowed to vote. So how about this for a test question before you can get your hands on a ballot that will determine the fate of America and the world: "Do you still believe that Iraq had a damned thing to do with 9/11?"

Australian Financial Review - Bush supporters have a reality gap

Challenging Bush Supporters' Legal Competency

There is now proof that it helps to be delusional if you still want to support George W. Bush. According to a new survey by the University of Maryland's Program on International Policy Attitudes:

Three out of four Bush supporters still believe Saddam Hussein was involved in the September 11, 2001 attacks, despite all evidence to the contrary.

Half of them still believe, despite concrete proof, that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, and one in four still believe it was developing them.

Three out of four also still believe Hussein provided substantial support to al-Qaeda and, contrary to its published report, half of them believe that the September 11 Commission found such ties.

Psychiatrists will tell you that "delusion" is a false belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence, and is a sure sign of mental illness as in "delusions of persecution" and "delusions of grandeur."

In most states (except perhaps Texas and Florida) individuals in a state of active psychosis are not allowed to vote. So how about this for a test question before you can get your hands on a ballot that will determine the fate of America and the world: "Do you still believe that Iraq had a damned thing to do with 9/11?"

Australian Financial Review - Bush supporters have a reality gap

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

FLASH - Bush creates another alliance in his War on Terror: al-Qaeda pledges support to Iraq

In another stunning demonstration of George W. Bush's effectiveness in creating alliances in his War on Terror, the leader of the most feared militant group in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, has declared his allegiance to Osama bin Laden, saying that his organization has agreed with al-Qaeda over strategy and the need for unity against "the enemies of Islam."

Displaying an utter inability to grasp the concept of "past tense" a White House spokesperson said "We've always said there were ties between Zarqawi and al-Qaeda, which underscores once again why Iraq is the central front in the war on terror."

No, you idiot. Here's the way it went:
1) first we invaded a nation that had nothing to do with al-Qaeda, possessed no weapons of mass destruction, and posed no threat whatsoever to America and then,

2) we proceeded to disrupt their economy, randomly arrest and lock-up the locals and abuse them while in prison, appoint a petty dictator of our choosing, and generally do everything possible to ensure that chaos would reign in the streets, and finally,

3) the local insurgents joined forces with our enemies at al-Qaeda.

So, if your neighbor tells you that she's voting for George W. Bush because he will "make us safer," ask her where in the world she got that idea.

The Register-Guard (OR) - Militants align with bin Laden

FLASH - Bush creates another alliance in his War on Terror: al-Qaeda pledges support to Iraq

In another stunning demonstration of George W. Bush's effectiveness in creating alliances in his War on Terror, the leader of the most feared militant group in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, has declared his allegiance to Osama bin Laden, saying that his organization has agreed with al-Qaeda over strategy and the need for unity against "the enemies of Islam."

Displaying an utter inability to grasp the concept of "past tense" a White House spokesperson said "We've always said there were ties between Zarqawi and al-Qaeda, which underscores once again why Iraq is the central front in the war on terror."

No, you idiot. Here's the way it went:
1) first we invaded a nation that had nothing to do with al-Qaeda, possessed no weapons of mass destruction, and posed no threat whatsoever to America and then,

2) we proceeded to disrupt their economy, randomly arrest and lock-up the locals and abuse them while in prison, appoint a petty dictator of our choosing, and generally do everything possible to ensure that chaos would reign in the streets, and finally,

3) the local insurgents joined forces with our enemies at al-Qaeda.

So, if your neighbor tells you that she's voting for George W. Bush because he will "make us safer," ask her where in the world she got that idea.

The Register-Guard (OR) - Militants align with bin Laden

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

1,100 and Counting: Bush Cuts Veteran's Benefits

With little fanfare we crossed another milestone this week as the 1,100th U.S. soldier was killed. (Actually, as of this writing the official number is now 1,102, not to mention, of course, the 15,357 Iraqis who have been killed.)

But the big numbers belie the personal tragedies like the one related in the link below.

Even if you usually do not follow the linked stories, take the time to read this one ... and as you do remember that George W. Bush has cut V.A. psychological treatment programs because they are subject to abuse (only girly men need counseling) and besides there are faith-based organizations to minister to troubled souls (if you're worried about burning in hell you just need to pray for forgiveness).

Portsmouth Herald - South of the Border: Marine returns from Iraq to emotional ruin, suicide

1,100 and Counting: Bush Cuts Veteran's Benefits

With little fanfare we crossed another milestone this week as the 1,100th U.S. soldier was killed. (Actually, as of this writing the official number is now 1,102, not to mention, of course, the 15,357 Iraqis who have been killed.)

But the big numbers belie the personal tragedies like the one related in the link below.

Even if you usually do not follow the linked stories, take the time to read this one ... and as you do remember that George W. Bush has cut V.A. psychological treatment programs because they are subject to abuse (only girly men need counseling) and besides there are faith-based organizations to minister to troubled souls (if you're worried about burning in hell you just need to pray for forgiveness).

Portsmouth Herald - South of the Border: Marine returns from Iraq to emotional ruin, suicide

Monday, October 18, 2004

The Lying Liars at Sinclair Broadcasting

After its stock price dropped 8% in reaction to its announcement that it had ordered all of its stations to run an anti-Kerry screed without commercial interruption just days before the election, Sinclair Broadcasting decided it better do something. So it called a day long meeting of its news directors where they discussed production of a "news special" providing a "balanced look" at the military records of the two Presidential candidates. Then they leaked the story of the meeting, apparently hoping to stem the tide of negative publicity.

But even this story seems to be unraveling, and they probably never had any intention of producing a news special, only to give the impression that they intended to present a balanced point-of-view:

Local affiliates have been told nothing other than that they are ordered to run the anti-Kerry film on Wednesday evening.

Meanwhile, Sinclair fired its Washington Bureau Chief for speaking out against the company's plans to air the hour-long Bush campaign commercial.

The producer of the anti-Kerry film has expressed shock that his film might be edited and says no one has asked him.

And, the producer of the anti-Kerry film is being sued for libel based upon the biased way in which he edited comments from Vietnam veterans in the film in order to make them seem anti-Kerry.

But, tragically, in the end it looks like Rabid Republicans who own Sinclair Broadcasting will get exactly what they wanted in the first place. This flap postpones once again any serious consideration of the military background of George W. Bush and delays, probably until well after the election, a reasoned discussion of his fitness to command the military. And that's precisely the intended outcome.

The New York Times - Ex-Marine Sues Over Portrayal in Kerry Film

Los Angeles Times - Sinclair Fires Journalist After Critical Comments

The Lying Liars at Sinclair Broadcasting

After its stock price dropped 8% in reaction to its announcement that it had ordered all of its stations to run an anti-Kerry screed without commercial interruption just days before the election, Sinclair Broadcasting decided it better do something. So it called a day long meeting of its news directors where they discussed production of a "news special" providing a "balanced look" at the military records of the two Presidential candidates. Then they leaked the story of the meeting, apparently hoping to stem the tide of negative publicity.

But even this story seems to be unraveling, and they probably never had any intention of producing a news special, only to give the impression that they intended to present a balanced point-of-view:

Local affiliates have been told nothing other than that they are ordered to run the anti-Kerry film on Wednesday evening.

Meanwhile, Sinclair fired its Washington Bureau Chief for speaking out against the company's plans to air the hour-long Bush campaign commercial.

The producer of the anti-Kerry film has expressed shock that his film might be edited and says no one has asked him.

And, the producer of the anti-Kerry film is being sued for libel based upon the biased way in which he edited comments from Vietnam veterans in the film in order to make them seem anti-Kerry.

But, tragically, in the end it looks like Rabid Republicans who own Sinclair Broadcasting will get exactly what they wanted in the first place. This flap postpones once again any serious consideration of the military background of George W. Bush and delays, probably until well after the election, a reasoned discussion of his fitness to command the military. And that's precisely the intended outcome.

The New York Times - Ex-Marine Sues Over Portrayal in Kerry Film

Los Angeles Times - Sinclair Fires Journalist After Critical Comments

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Condi's hormone problem

It's one of those things you'd really rather not spend too much time thinking about, but ... well ... do you suppose Condi's got some sort of hormone imbalance? You know, is it possible she's running a bit over on the testosterone meter?

Testosterone levels run amok would explain a lot, and there's a logic to it. All right, it's a bit twisted, but there is a certain logic nonetheless.

She's been the voice in George W. Bush's ear advising him to ignore the outpouring of support for America after 9/11 and telling him that since we can kick the daylights out of anyone else on the planet we've got the right to do whatever we choose.

And National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice has let it be known that she would like to be NFL Commissioner.

In fact, she confesses that her father, himself a football coach, was disappointed at having a female child who would never be a linebacker, and that she's been a football fan ever since.

There's a certain symmetry to this career move: the NFL job also largely entails sending others to do violence on behalf of uninvolved spectators.

Of course there's the problem of Paul Tagliabue, the current commissioner of the NFL who has no plans to step down. But, come to think of it, Condi has experience in forced regime change too, doesn't she?

Actually, the world would probably be a much safer place if Condi was able to vent her testosterone fueled fantasies on a playing field instead of the Middle East.

Cleveland Browns - Condoleezza Rice visits practice

Condi's hormone problem

It's one of those things you'd really rather not spend too much time thinking about, but ... well ... do you suppose Condi's got some sort of hormone imbalance? You know, is it possible she's running a bit over on the testosterone meter?

Testosterone levels run amok would explain a lot, and there's a logic to it. All right, it's a bit twisted, but there is a certain logic nonetheless.

She's been the voice in George W. Bush's ear advising him to ignore the outpouring of support for America after 9/11 and telling him that since we can kick the daylights out of anyone else on the planet we've got the right to do whatever we choose.

And National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice has let it be known that she would like to be NFL Commissioner.

In fact, she confesses that her father, himself a football coach, was disappointed at having a female child who would never be a linebacker, and that she's been a football fan ever since.

There's a certain symmetry to this career move: the NFL job also largely entails sending others to do violence on behalf of uninvolved spectators.

Of course there's the problem of Paul Tagliabue, the current commissioner of the NFL who has no plans to step down. But, come to think of it, Condi has experience in forced regime change too, doesn't she?

Actually, the world would probably be a much safer place if Condi was able to vent her testosterone fueled fantasies on a playing field instead of the Middle East.

Cleveland Browns - Condoleezza Rice visits practice

Saturday, October 16, 2004

U.S. Troops who refused to drive held hostage, then released unharmed

After heroically refusing to drive unprotected trucks full of contaminated helicopter fuel through the shooting gallery that George W. Bush's War on Terror has made of Iraq, 19 American soldiers were detained by U.S. the military.

Although under investigation and facing possible disciplinary action, none of those who refused to deliver contaminated helicopter fuel has been killed.

In other news: six more American GIs were killed, two of them in two separate helicopter crashes.

Boston Globe - Troops who refused Iraq mission said detained, released

USAToday - Six GIs killed in Iraq bombings, crashes

U.S. Troops who refused to drive held hostage, then released unharmed

After heroically refusing to drive unprotected trucks full of contaminated helicopter fuel through the shooting gallery that George W. Bush's War on Terror has made of Iraq, 19 American soldiers were detained by U.S. the military.

Although under investigation and facing possible disciplinary action, none of those who refused to deliver contaminated helicopter fuel has been killed.

In other news: six more American GIs were killed, two of them in two separate helicopter crashes.

Boston Globe - Troops who refused Iraq mission said detained, released

USAToday - Six GIs killed in Iraq bombings, crashes

Friday, October 15, 2004

The Bush strategy? Appeal to appeal to lizards and other reptiles.

Having a hard time understanding why otherwise responsible adults can still be posting Bush/Cheney signs in their yards? Wonder how someone can watch that last debate, with George W. Bush literally foaming at the mouth, and still conclude that he's emotionally mature enough to be trusted with the most powerful military in the history of the world?

The answer is, FEAR! It's a carefully designed campaign to trigger the fight or flight response and ensure that voters never have a moment's time to make a reflective decision before the election.

If Bush is elected, it will prove once and for all the extraordinary power of our reptilian brains. A vestigial evolutionary relic will have triumphed over thousands of years of human evolution. The rest of the world will be correct when they judge that America is truly the land of the Neanderthals. And you'll want to be careful to avoid provoking your scaly neighbor as you peel off your Kerry-Edwards bumper sticker.

ARIANNA ONLINE - Appealing To Our Lizard Brains: Why Bush Is Still Standing

The Bush strategy? Appeal to appeal to lizards and other reptiles.

Having a hard time understanding why otherwise responsible adults can still be posting Bush/Cheney signs in their yards? Wonder how someone can watch that last debate, with George W. Bush literally foaming at the mouth, and still conclude that he's emotionally mature enough to be trusted with the most powerful military in the history of the world?

The answer is, FEAR! It's a carefully designed campaign to trigger the fight or flight response and ensure that voters never have a moment's time to make a reflective decision before the election.

If Bush is elected, it will prove once and for all the extraordinary power of our reptilian brains. A vestigial evolutionary relic will have triumphed over thousands of years of human evolution. The rest of the world will be correct when they judge that America is truly the land of the Neanderthals. And you'll want to be careful to avoid provoking your scaly neighbor as you peel off your Kerry-Edwards bumper sticker.

ARIANNA ONLINE - Appealing To Our Lizard Brains: Why Bush Is Still Standing

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Another Computer Crash Cancels Another Florida Voting Machine Test

A routine test of Palm Beach County's electronic voting machines was canceled Tuesday because the computer network at the elections office crashed, halting the public exercise. Not to worry, the Supervisor of Elections Theresa LePore said the "computer crash" won't affect the electronic touch-screen voting machines to be used during the upcoming presidential election.

Florida state law requires that a some of the machines be tested publicly to ensure that the equipment will count the votes cast for all the offices and measures on the ballot. In Palm Beach County, epicenter of the 2000 election fiasco, 86 of the 4,720 touch-screen machines are to be tested publicly, the rest are tested (or not) behind closed doors.

Apparently the computer crash that cancelled the test was due to a power failure during hurricane Jeanne which allowed the machines to over heat.

Under Florida law, vigorously defended by George W. Bush's brother Governor Jeb Bush, there is no verifiable paper record created when a voter uses the electronic voting machines. And, of course, the Florida Republican party has advised its supporters in electronic machine precincts to cast absentee ballots because they would result in a paper trail.

Florida voters would be well advised to vote, and then pray.

Palm Beach Post - Computer glitch delays routine voter machine test

Another Computer Crash Cancels Another Florida Voting Machine Test

A routine test of Palm Beach County's electronic voting machines was canceled Tuesday because the computer network at the elections office crashed, halting the public exercise. Not to worry, the Supervisor of Elections Theresa LePore said the "computer crash" won't affect the electronic touch-screen voting machines to be used during the upcoming presidential election.

Florida state law requires that a some of the machines be tested publicly to ensure that the equipment will count the votes cast for all the offices and measures on the ballot. In Palm Beach County, epicenter of the 2000 election fiasco, 86 of the 4,720 touch-screen machines are to be tested publicly, the rest are tested (or not) behind closed doors.

Apparently the computer crash that cancelled the test was due to a power failure during hurricane Jeanne which allowed the machines to over heat.

Under Florida law, vigorously defended by George W. Bush's brother Governor Jeb Bush, there is no verifiable paper record created when a voter uses the electronic voting machines. And, of course, the Florida Republican party has advised its supporters in electronic machine precincts to cast absentee ballots because they would result in a paper trail.

Florida voters would be well advised to vote, and then pray.

Palm Beach Post - Computer glitch delays routine voter machine test

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Calling Sinclair Broadcasting's Bluff

Paul Alexander, director of the critically-acclaimed film "Brothers in Arms" which examines John Kerry's experience in Vietnam in a favorable light has offered his film, free of charge, to Sinclair broadcasting, to run along with the anti-Kerry film they are forcing their stations to run next week.

A Sinclair spokesman told the New York Times that the company would consider running a Kerry documentary from a different perspective, but couldn't find one. Alexander's offer effectively, and publicly, calls Sinclair's bluff.

Meanwhile, a campaign is being mounted boycott Sinclair stations and contact their advertisers. The Boycott Sinclair website lists known advertisers in local markets and their contact info. You can search by market, see what local businesses advertise on Sinclair stations, call them up, and let them know you won't tolerate Sinclair's political attack masquerading as news programming, and they shouldn't be paying for it. - Stopping Sinclair

Calling Sinclair Broadcasting's Bluff

Paul Alexander, director of the critically-acclaimed film "Brothers in Arms" which examines John Kerry's experience in Vietnam in a favorable light has offered his film, free of charge, to Sinclair broadcasting, to run along with the anti-Kerry film they are forcing their stations to run next week.

A Sinclair spokesman told the New York Times that the company would consider running a Kerry documentary from a different perspective, but couldn't find one. Alexander's offer effectively, and publicly, calls Sinclair's bluff.

Meanwhile, a campaign is being mounted boycott Sinclair stations and contact their advertisers. The Boycott Sinclair website lists known advertisers in local markets and their contact info. You can search by market, see what local businesses advertise on Sinclair stations, call them up, and let them know you won't tolerate Sinclair's political attack masquerading as news programming, and they shouldn't be paying for it. - Stopping Sinclair

The "new reality" -- Will we grow, or merely sruvive? It's a choice you will have to make.

We've heard a lot about how "everything changed" on September 11, 2001, and that we now face a "new reality." In the upcoming election we are presented with two radically different approaches to that new reality: one approaches the new reality by force denying it and insisting that it be shaped to our wishes, the other would adapt to the new reality and grow through it.

George W. Bush's approach to the new reality was to declare his "War on Terror" and vow to fight on until one day, when each and every terrorist is either dead or in jail and unable to commit further acts of terror, victory will be declared. It is becoming clear that such a day, should it every come, is a very long time in future.

John Kerry, on the other hand, believes that we must acknowledge that we are living in a new reality and adapt to it, recognizing that there is no realistic hope of nailing every last terrorist and that at some point the war on terror must cease to be "the focus of our lives".

The Bush campaign, of course, immediately seized upon Kerry's comment as evidence of his willingness to be soft on terrorists. In fact, to continue to deny the new reality in the face of all evidence borders on delusion.

Charles Darwin explained that while change can help prolong survival, it is adaptation that results in progress. George Bush's orientation is one of survival, John Kerry would adapt to the new reality and grow as a result. Bush's approach counts on brute force, Kerry's requires real courage.

ITV (Ireland) - Bush and Kerry trade blows over New Mexico

The "new reality" -- Will we grow, or merely sruvive? It's a choice you will have to make.

We've heard a lot about how "everything changed" on September 11, 2001, and that we now face a "new reality." In the upcoming election we are presented with two radically different approaches to that new reality: one approaches the new reality by force denying it and insisting that it be shaped to our wishes, the other would adapt to the new reality and grow through it.

George W. Bush's approach to the new reality was to declare his "War on Terror" and vow to fight on until one day, when each and every terrorist is either dead or in jail and unable to commit further acts of terror, victory will be declared. It is becoming clear that such a day, should it every come, is a very long time in future.

John Kerry, on the other hand, believes that we must acknowledge that we are living in a new reality and adapt to it, recognizing that there is no realistic hope of nailing every last terrorist and that at some point the war on terror must cease to be "the focus of our lives".

The Bush campaign, of course, immediately seized upon Kerry's comment as evidence of his willingness to be soft on terrorists. In fact, to continue to deny the new reality in the face of all evidence borders on delusion.

Charles Darwin explained that while change can help prolong survival, it is adaptation that results in progress. George Bush's orientation is one of survival, John Kerry would adapt to the new reality and grow as a result. Bush's approach counts on brute force, Kerry's requires real courage.

ITV (Ireland) - Bush and Kerry trade blows over New Mexico

Monday, October 11, 2004

Bush cynically puts his war on terror on the back burner until after the election

All right, that does it! Why exactly would any veteran or anyone on active duty even think of voting for George W. Bush?

The Bush administration now admits that it will delay major assaults on rebel-held cities in Iraq until after the U.S. elections because they are concerned that large-scale military offensives might affect the presidential race. Pentagon officials confirm that they will not try to retake cities such as Fallouja and Ramadi, where the insurgents' grip is strongest and U.S. casualties would be the highest, until after Americans vote in what is likely to be an extremely close election.

"When this election's over, you'll see us move very vigorously," said a Bush administration official involved in strategic planning, speaking on condition of anonymity. "Once you're past the election, it changes the political ramifications. We're not on hold right now. We're just not as aggressive."

We aren't likely to hear any complaints from Iyad Allawi, the U.S. appointed Interim Iraqi Prime Minister, who believes that he would face an uncertain future under a president Kerry and has a vested interest in seeing Bush re-elected. He is acutely aware of how bloody the next steps in the Iraq war will be and he knows the negative impact that an American body count would have on the election. "A lot of his political future depends on our election," said the senior administration official.

But worst of all, the 138,000 U.S. troops in Iraq who are trying to break the will of a deadly insurgency, will be expected to understand and accommodate the needs of U.S. politics and the demands of their Iraqi hosts.

Los Angeles Times - Major Assaults on Hold Until After U.S. Vote

Bush cynically puts his war on terror on the back burner until after the election

All right, that does it! Why exactly would any veteran or anyone on active duty even think of voting for George W. Bush?

The Bush administration now admits that it will delay major assaults on rebel-held cities in Iraq until after the U.S. elections because they are concerned that large-scale military offensives might affect the presidential race. Pentagon officials confirm that they will not try to retake cities such as Fallouja and Ramadi, where the insurgents' grip is strongest and U.S. casualties would be the highest, until after Americans vote in what is likely to be an extremely close election.

"When this election's over, you'll see us move very vigorously," said a Bush administration official involved in strategic planning, speaking on condition of anonymity. "Once you're past the election, it changes the political ramifications. We're not on hold right now. We're just not as aggressive."

We aren't likely to hear any complaints from Iyad Allawi, the U.S. appointed Interim Iraqi Prime Minister, who believes that he would face an uncertain future under a president Kerry and has a vested interest in seeing Bush re-elected. He is acutely aware of how bloody the next steps in the Iraq war will be and he knows the negative impact that an American body count would have on the election. "A lot of his political future depends on our election," said the senior administration official.

But worst of all, the 138,000 U.S. troops in Iraq who are trying to break the will of a deadly insurgency, will be expected to understand and accommodate the needs of U.S. politics and the demands of their Iraqi hosts.

Los Angeles Times - Major Assaults on Hold Until After U.S. Vote

Sunday, October 10, 2004

U.S. Announces permanent occupation of Afghanistan, pipeline construction begins

"This was an extraordinary day for the Afghan people, and this election is going to be judged legitimate. I'm just certain of it," thus speaking on behalf of George W. Bush, Condie Rice kicked off the administration's spin campaign to make us all believe that, after centuries of some of the fiercest tribal warfare on the planet, Afghanistan has now embraced the almighty's gift of freedom.

Hamid Karzai, the U.S.'s hand picked Prime Minister, received a majority of the votes in Afghanistan's novel election. However, as is so often the case with the Bush administration, reality is somewhat at odds with the official proclamation:

Karzai was the only one of the 16 candidates remaining on the ballot by the end of the election as all of his challengers withdrew when their calls for a postponement were rejected after massive ballot fraud became apparent during the day.

A "fool-proof" plan to prevent fraud involving the use of indelible ink marks on voters' thumbs fell apart when a number of provinces were provided with washable ink instead. (The inking procedure itself was a stop-gap measure after it became apparent that many Afghanis were registering more than once and that Karzai had ordered more than three times as many ballots printed as there were eligible voters.)

Karzai was the only candidate who was flown around the country from one campaign stop to another in a U.S. helicopters with security provided by the U.S. military.

Nevertheless, after having spent more than $200 million on the Afghani election, George W. Bush can now claim "mission accomplished" in the first front in his war on terror, and the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan can become permanent thus clearing the way for the construction of the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline.

The Age (Australia) - Fraud claims fuel election doubts

BBC (UK) - Central Asia pipeline deal signed

U.S. Announces permanent occupation of Afghanistan, pipeline construction begins

"This was an extraordinary day for the Afghan people, and this election is going to be judged legitimate. I'm just certain of it," thus speaking on behalf of George W. Bush, Condie Rice kicked off the administration's spin campaign to make us all believe that, after centuries of some of the fiercest tribal warfare on the planet, Afghanistan has now embraced the almighty's gift of freedom.

Hamid Karzai, the U.S.'s hand picked Prime Minister, received a majority of the votes in Afghanistan's novel election. However, as is so often the case with the Bush administration, reality is somewhat at odds with the official proclamation:

Karzai was the only one of the 16 candidates remaining on the ballot by the end of the election as all of his challengers withdrew when their calls for a postponement were rejected after massive ballot fraud became apparent during the day.

A "fool-proof" plan to prevent fraud involving the use of indelible ink marks on voters' thumbs fell apart when a number of provinces were provided with washable ink instead. (The inking procedure itself was a stop-gap measure after it became apparent that many Afghanis were registering more than once and that Karzai had ordered more than three times as many ballots printed as there were eligible voters.)

Karzai was the only candidate who was flown around the country from one campaign stop to another in a U.S. helicopters with security provided by the U.S. military.

Nevertheless, after having spent more than $200 million on the Afghani election, George W. Bush can now claim "mission accomplished" in the first front in his war on terror, and the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan can become permanent thus clearing the way for the construction of the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline.

The Age (Australia) - Fraud claims fuel election doubts

BBC (UK) - Central Asia pipeline deal signed

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Lumber Baron Bush

He was in his prime, pandering to the anti-intellectual wing of his constituency with his smug snickering, "Yuh mean ah own a timer cumpny? ...snick-snick ...News tuh me. ...Enybudy wanna buy sum wood? ...heh-heh."

John Kerry had just driven home his point that there are too many loopholes in tax law, pointing out that both George W. Bush and Dick Cheney qualify as "small businesses" under the Republican definition. "President Bush owns a timber business, made $84," Kerry said. And then Bush blew it. "I own a timber business? You want some wood, Charlie?" he clucked.

Actually, he does own part of a timber company, and on his 2001 taxes he did report $84 from it.

And, according to the tortured math used by the Republicans, that makes him one of the much vaunted "small business owners" who are going to fire the economic recovery if only we can get the "gummint off their backs."

According to the web site (which Cheney himself cited as a resource in his own debate), "President Bush himself would have qualified as a "small business owner" under the Republican definition, based on his 2001 federal income tax returns. He reported $84 of business income from his part ownership of a timber-growing enterprise. However, 99.99% of Bush's total income came from other sources that year. (Bush also qualified as a "small business owner" in 2000 based on $314 of "business income," but not in 2002 and 2003 when he reported his timber income as "royalties" on a different tax schedule.)"*

And, according to the same source, "Vice President Cheney and his wife Lynne qualify as "small business owners" for 2003 because 3.5% of the total income reported on their tax returns was business income from Mrs. Cheney's consulting business. She reported $44,580 in business income on Schedule C, nearly all of it from fees paid to her as a director of the Reader's Digest . But giving the Cheneys a tax cut didn't stimulate any hiring; she reported zero employees."

Come to think of it, according to the republican definition even my wife, who works as an "independent contractor" (in a position that used to be filled by a salaried employee with full medical insurance) qualifies as a "small business owner" because she files a Schedule C.

Rediff (India) - Kerry looks good in second debate too - A Bush-Cheney ad says Kerry would raise taxes for 900,000 "small businesses" and "hurt jobs." It's a big exaggeration.

* Confirming the lengths to which Bush and his cronies are willing to go in order to disguise their activities, issued this clarification: "What we originally reported as a "timber-growing" enterprise is actually described on Bush's tax return as an "oil and gas production" concern, the Lone Star Trust. We were confused because The Lone Star Trust currently owns 50% of another company, "LSTF, LLC", described on Bush’s 2003 financial disclosure forms as a limited-liability company organized "for the purpose of the production of trees for commercial sales." So, Bush does own part interest in a tree-growing company, but the $84 came from an oil and gas company and we should have reported it as such."

Lumber Baron Bush

He was in his prime, pandering to the anti-intellectual wing of his constituency with his smug snickering, "Yuh mean ah own a timer cumpny? ...snick-snick ...News tuh me. ...Enybudy wanna buy sum wood? ...heh-heh."

John Kerry had just driven home his point that there are too many loopholes in tax law, pointing out that both George W. Bush and Dick Cheney qualify as "small businesses" under the Republican definition. "President Bush owns a timber business, made $84," Kerry said. And then Bush blew it. "I own a timber business? You want some wood, Charlie?" he clucked.

Actually, he does own part of a timber company, and on his 2001 taxes he did report $84 from it.

And, according to the tortured math used by the Republicans, that makes him one of the much vaunted "small business owners" who are going to fire the economic recovery if only we can get the "gummint off their backs."

According to the web site (which Cheney himself cited as a resource in his own debate), "President Bush himself would have qualified as a "small business owner" under the Republican definition, based on his 2001 federal income tax returns. He reported $84 of business income from his part ownership of a timber-growing enterprise. However, 99.99% of Bush's total income came from other sources that year. (Bush also qualified as a "small business owner" in 2000 based on $314 of "business income," but not in 2002 and 2003 when he reported his timber income as "royalties" on a different tax schedule.)"*

And, according to the same source, "Vice President Cheney and his wife Lynne qualify as "small business owners" for 2003 because 3.5% of the total income reported on their tax returns was business income from Mrs. Cheney's consulting business. She reported $44,580 in business income on Schedule C, nearly all of it from fees paid to her as a director of the Reader's Digest . But giving the Cheneys a tax cut didn't stimulate any hiring; she reported zero employees."

Come to think of it, according to the republican definition even my wife, who works as an "independent contractor" (in a position that used to be filled by a salaried employee with full medical insurance) qualifies as a "small business owner" because she files a Schedule C.

Rediff (India) - Kerry looks good in second debate too - A Bush-Cheney ad says Kerry would raise taxes for 900,000 "small businesses" and "hurt jobs." It's a big exaggeration.

* Confirming the lengths to which Bush and his cronies are willing to go in order to disguise their activities, issued this clarification: "What we originally reported as a "timber-growing" enterprise is actually described on Bush's tax return as an "oil and gas production" concern, the Lone Star Trust. We were confused because The Lone Star Trust currently owns 50% of another company, "LSTF, LLC", described on Bush’s 2003 financial disclosure forms as a limited-liability company organized "for the purpose of the production of trees for commercial sales." So, Bush does own part interest in a tree-growing company, but the $84 came from an oil and gas company and we should have reported it as such."

Friday, October 08, 2004

war is peace

Somewhere over at the Ministry of Truth you can bet that Winston Smith is putting in some late hours this week.

We now learn that George W. Bush invaded Iraq knowing full well that Saddam Hussein had no chemical weapons; no biological weapons; and no nuclear weapons. In fact, that he had no banned weapons at all, not even "weapons related program activities."

That is the conclusion of the Iraq Survey Group, which was created by George Bush with the specific assignment of proving his case for removing Hussein. But Bush's own hand-picked group of investigators has found the facts to be precisely the opposite of what Bush and his band of thugs has been telling the American people: the much-maligned international regime of sanctions and weapons containment was working exactly as it was supposed to. Following the war over Kuwait Saddam Hussein was progressively disarmed and he never re-started the banned offensive programs.

The plan fact is this: the world was successfully dealing with Saddam Hussein without any need for an American invasion. In other words, this was a totally optional war. The invasion of Iraq was a choice made by Bush who then lied to America and the world to convince us otherwise.

So how do George Bush and his cronies react?

First, deny reality: "As soon as the sanctions were lifted, he had every intention of going back," asserted Dick Cheney, "delay, defer, wait, wasn't an option." In Cheney's world merely having the desire to commit a crime is enough to get your country invaded and occupied and land you in the slammer without a trial.

Then, change the subject: "Saddam was systematically gaming the system, using the U.N. oil-for-food program to try to influence countries and companies," added George Bush. So forget about all that stuff about WMD, ties to al Qaeda, state sponsor of terror and so on, Hussein was a shake-down artist and that's plenty of reason to invade a country, kill and maim thousands of Americans soldiers and tens of thousands of the local residents.

As Americans now the only sensible course of action is for us to vote for change. If we as the American people fail to take responsibility for this the world will hold us accountable, and there's no amount of spin or positioning that will save our sorry souls.

Independent (UK) - The final judgment

war is peace

Somewhere over at the Ministry of Truth you can bet that Winston Smith is putting in some late hours this week.

We now learn that George W. Bush invaded Iraq knowing full well that Saddam Hussein had no chemical weapons; no biological weapons; and no nuclear weapons. In fact, that he had no banned weapons at all, not even "weapons related program activities."

That is the conclusion of the Iraq Survey Group, which was created by George Bush with the specific assignment of proving his case for removing Hussein. But Bush's own hand-picked group of investigators has found the facts to be precisely the opposite of what Bush and his band of thugs has been telling the American people: the much-maligned international regime of sanctions and weapons containment was working exactly as it was supposed to. Following the war over Kuwait Saddam Hussein was progressively disarmed and he never re-started the banned offensive programs.

The plan fact is this: the world was successfully dealing with Saddam Hussein without any need for an American invasion. In other words, this was a totally optional war. The invasion of Iraq was a choice made by Bush who then lied to America and the world to convince us otherwise.

So how do George Bush and his cronies react?

First, deny reality: "As soon as the sanctions were lifted, he had every intention of going back," asserted Dick Cheney, "delay, defer, wait, wasn't an option." In Cheney's world merely having the desire to commit a crime is enough to get your country invaded and occupied and land you in the slammer without a trial.

Then, change the subject: "Saddam was systematically gaming the system, using the U.N. oil-for-food program to try to influence countries and companies," added George Bush. So forget about all that stuff about WMD, ties to al Qaeda, state sponsor of terror and so on, Hussein was a shake-down artist and that's plenty of reason to invade a country, kill and maim thousands of Americans soldiers and tens of thousands of the local residents.

As Americans now the only sensible course of action is for us to vote for change. If we as the American people fail to take responsibility for this the world will hold us accountable, and there's no amount of spin or positioning that will save our sorry souls.

Independent (UK) - The final judgment

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

The scandal Bush does not want to talk about

It's old news ... but the only reason it's old is that George W. Bush rushed to release the figures a month earlier than usual, hoping that you would forget by about this time. They thought that you'd be dazzled by the elections in Afghanistan and completely forget about what is happening right here in America.

The number of Americans living in poverty and without health insurance rose for the third straight year in 2003. That would be: each and every year that Bush has been in office. That's two full years after the official end of the recession. And yet even now Bush insists that, "the economy is strong and growing stronger," and that Americans are finding jobs, cleverly neglecting to mention that many of those who do get jobs are faced with lower wages, scaled-back benefits and few or no pension plans.

But it gets worse: one out of eight Americans is living in poverty. That's 35.8 million Americans, or an additional 1.3 million more Americans who slipped into the clutches of poverty during the most recent year of Bush's reign.

But the figure which ought to cause all of us to hide in shame is this: one out of every six American children is now living in poverty.

Come to thing of it, maybe there's a different reason why they'd rather talk about Afghanistan and Iraq: if you'd like an idea of what life in America will look like after a second term of George W. Bush, look at Baghdad.

Guardian (UK) - Ranks of Poor, Uninsured Rose in 2003

The scandal Bush does not want to talk about

It's old news ... but the only reason it's old is that George W. Bush rushed to release the figures a month earlier than usual, hoping that you would forget by about this time. They thought that you'd be dazzled by the elections in Afghanistan and completely forget about what is happening right here in America.

The number of Americans living in poverty and without health insurance rose for the third straight year in 2003. That would be: each and every year that Bush has been in office. That's two full years after the official end of the recession. And yet even now Bush insists that, "the economy is strong and growing stronger," and that Americans are finding jobs, cleverly neglecting to mention that many of those who do get jobs are faced with lower wages, scaled-back benefits and few or no pension plans.

But it gets worse: one out of eight Americans is living in poverty. That's 35.8 million Americans, or an additional 1.3 million more Americans who slipped into the clutches of poverty during the most recent year of Bush's reign.

But the figure which ought to cause all of us to hide in shame is this: one out of every six American children is now living in poverty.

Come to thing of it, maybe there's a different reason why they'd rather talk about Afghanistan and Iraq: if you'd like an idea of what life in America will look like after a second term of George W. Bush, look at Baghdad.

Guardian (UK) - Ranks of Poor, Uninsured Rose in 2003

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

U.S. Soldiers Charged With Murder

Four U.S. soldiers are being tried for murdering an Iraqi general during an interrogation last fall. "I don't know of any other case where a major general died of asphyxiation during interrogation. I doubt that this has happened in the past 50 years,'' said an Army lawyer.

But, uhh ... err ... you see, none of the soldiers has been jailed ... and, well, their ages and hometowns have not been released. Oh and yes, these soldiers bring the total number of U.S. troops charged with murder in Iraq to at least 10. But don't worry, they could get life in prison without parole if convicted.

Guardian (UK) Four U.S. Soldiers Charged With Murder

U.S. Soldiers Charged With Murder

Four U.S. soldiers are being tried for murdering an Iraqi general during an interrogation last fall. "I don't know of any other case where a major general died of asphyxiation during interrogation. I doubt that this has happened in the past 50 years,'' said an Army lawyer.

But, uhh ... err ... you see, none of the soldiers has been jailed ... and, well, their ages and hometowns have not been released. Oh and yes, these soldiers bring the total number of U.S. troops charged with murder in Iraq to at least 10. But don't worry, they could get life in prison without parole if convicted.

Guardian (UK) Four U.S. Soldiers Charged With Murder

Rumsfeld & Bremer expected to endorse John Kerry

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, speaking of the Bush administration's continuing insistence that Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda worked together, said, ''To my knowledge, I have not seen any strong, hard evidence that links the two.'' (Later he said he was misunderstood when he said that he knew of no clear link between the al Qaeda terror network and Saddam Hussein.)

Meanwhile, former Iraqi Proconsul Paul Bremer said that "We never had enough troops on the ground," and that "There was planning, but planning for a situation that didn't arise" (which, I suppose, is about as useful as no planning).

Since these positions are contrary to the positions still taken by George W. Bush and are in keeping with John Kerry's long held positions, we should expect endorsements from Rumsfeld and Bremer before the weekend. Neither Rumsfeld nor Bremer denied that they would announce their support of John Kerry.

Boston Globe - Donald Rumsfeld says no hard evidence links Saddam to al-Qaida, then

International Herald Tribune (Paris) - Bremer cites Iraq errors

Rumsfeld & Bremer expected to endorse John Kerry

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, speaking of the Bush administration's continuing insistence that Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda worked together, said, ''To my knowledge, I have not seen any strong, hard evidence that links the two.'' (Later he said he was misunderstood when he said that he knew of no clear link between the al Qaeda terror network and Saddam Hussein.)

Meanwhile, former Iraqi Proconsul Paul Bremer said that "We never had enough troops on the ground," and that "There was planning, but planning for a situation that didn't arise" (which, I suppose, is about as useful as no planning).

Since these positions are contrary to the positions still taken by George W. Bush and are in keeping with John Kerry's long held positions, we should expect endorsements from Rumsfeld and Bremer before the weekend. Neither Rumsfeld nor Bremer denied that they would announce their support of John Kerry.

Boston Globe - Donald Rumsfeld says no hard evidence links Saddam to al-Qaida, then

International Herald Tribune (Paris) - Bremer cites Iraq errors

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Rumsfeld approves new U.S. strategy: murder of women and children

This is one of those where you really need to read both stories.

According to the Independent, almost all of those killed by U.S. forces were women and children. What is worse, locals maintain that the 1,000 or so insurgents in Samarra left town a couple of days before the U.S. arrived.

"What has to be done in that country is what basically was done in Samarra over the last 48 hours," Donald Rumsfeld told an audience at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York.

So there you have it: first allow the bad guys to escape, then massacre a bunch of civilians, wait a week or so, and then wonder why there are even more bad guys than before.

Independent (UK) - Civilians bear brunt as Samarra 'pacified'

Washington Post - Rumsfeld Sees of Re-taking Samarra as Model

Rumsfeld approves new U.S. strategy: murder of women and children

This is one of those where you really need to read both stories.

According to the Independent, almost all of those killed by U.S. forces were women and children. What is worse, locals maintain that the 1,000 or so insurgents in Samarra left town a couple of days before the U.S. arrived.

"What has to be done in that country is what basically was done in Samarra over the last 48 hours," Donald Rumsfeld told an audience at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York.

So there you have it: first allow the bad guys to escape, then massacre a bunch of civilians, wait a week or so, and then wonder why there are even more bad guys than before.

Independent (UK) - Civilians bear brunt as Samarra 'pacified'

Washington Post - Rumsfeld Sees of Re-taking Samarra as Model

Saturday, October 02, 2004

"And don't forget Poland!"

Oops! There goes another "ally" in the war on terror!

Remember in the debate when George W. Bush scolded John Kerry, "And don't forget Poland!" Well it turns out the Poles are about to forget about Iraq. They'll pull out their 2,400 troops next year saying they've been there long enough. Let's see, that will leave ... well ... all of the American troops in place.

Boston Globe - Polish defense minister says country's troops should leave Iraq at end of 2005

"And don't forget Poland!"

Oops! There goes another "ally" in the war on terror!

Remember in the debate when George W. Bush scolded John Kerry, "And don't forget Poland!" Well it turns out the Poles are about to forget about Iraq. They'll pull out their 2,400 troops next year saying they've been there long enough. Let's see, that will leave ... well ... all of the American troops in place.

Boston Globe - Polish defense minister says country's troops should leave Iraq at end of 2005

Out-sourcing prisoner abuse

No more worries about Abu Gharib or Guantanamo if George W. Bush has his way. The torture of U.S. prisoners would be out-sourced under an administration backed proposal making it legal for U.S. intelligence officials to deport individuals to countries known to use torture to extract information. The "9/11 Recommendations Implementation Act" would make formal a policy used by the Bush administration known as "extraordinary rendition," whereby American authorities circumvent restraints on interrogations by sending suspects to countries known to employ torture.

Not a bad idea? Think of the implications. For example in the story linked below Canada says they'd have to think twice about sharing intelligence with the U.S. if our official policy is to transfer prisoner to known torturers. And then there's the practical implication: since one of the aims of George W. Bush's War on Terror is to eradicate regimes like that of Saddam Hussein precisely because they practice torture, then there ought to be an ever smaller list of countries willing to ... well you get the idea. I guess it's like he said on TV the other night, "This is hard work. I realize this is hard work."

The Star (Toronto) - White House backs torture-abroad law