Sunday, June 27, 2004

Will Bush visit Baghdad and declare "Mission Accomplished?"

He wouldn't really. Would he? Although the aircraft carrier thing last year seemed like such a good idea at the time, it hasn't worked out all that well, has it? Still, there was the Thanksgiving turkey deal. It distracted a lot of people and nobody could argue with the macho swagger of it all. So maybe a quick trip to Baghdad ("Here's the key. Sorry if I left a little bit of a mess, but I gotta go.") would be a good idea.

Heaven knows they've got to do something. The polls continue to fall, even the Irish hate us now, and Michael Moore is popping up everywhere like some kind of Whack-a-Mole. A triumphal tour of Baghdad might be just the ticket. Of course a tickertape parade through Baghdad is probably not too practical right now, what with all the smoldering Humveess blocking the way, so maybe a quick dash in-and-out but with plenty of photo ops would do it. At least it would divert attention from the rest of Iraq on that critical date.

Here are two stories from the British media. The first speculates on the Bush visit and the second is a glimpse of what they don't want you to think about as we "turn over sovereignty."

Guardian Unlimited (London): Bush will have nothing to celebrate if he comes here

Guardian Unlimited (London): Fearful Iraq sets out on journey to the unknown

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