Thursday, June 24, 2004

Just don't ask?

"Are you tired of the constant stream of America-bashing from the shamelessly liberal news media and left-wing politicians who use every negative news story to launch a political attack against our military and our commander in chief? Then join with the millions of Americans who are uniting to 'Move America Forward' to win the War on Terrorism."

That's from the website ( of a group calling themselves "Move America Forward." They've organized a protest to stop theater's showing Michael Moore's film "Fahrenheit 911" and they're the ones who bullied CBS into canceling the Ronald Reagan biography. Beyond the unintended irony of a pro-censorship organization calling others anti-American, this group has an even darker side. Move America Forward would have you believe that certain questions, were they asked, would pose a grave threat to America ... and they reach the astonishing conclusion those of us who ask those questions must be American-hating terrorists.

And they may be right. It's a very slippery slope. Once you take an objective look back at America's bloody and imperialistic history, you find yourself wanting to ask quite a few questions ... but if you are the kind of Real American who just wants to "Move America Forward" then you understand there isn't time for dangerous questions.

Still, there are some Americans who do not want to move forward, at least not until some important questions are answered ... and that's the true heart of America.

Fahrenheit 911 opens on June 25 in hundreds of theaters across the country. Here's a link to the listings.

Fahrenheit 9/11 - Theaters 6/25/04

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