Saturday, June 26, 2004

That "Liberal Media" again?

Well now that's odd, isn't it? If you only read U.S. media it appears that while Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11" may have had a successful opening day, most Americans are responding with a measure of skepticism. But then if you search international media (try the Google News link below), you'll see quite a contrast. Stories like the ones linked below with headlines such as "Crowds flock to see Michael Moore's 'Fahrenheit 9/11'," and "Movie theatres fill in Washington to see Fahrenheit 9/11" are common.

The quote of the day, though, really has go to the "fervent Republican whose husband is an elected official," who in the Channel News Asia story admits that she, "bought a ticket for another movie and then came to see this one. I wouldn't give Michael Moore my money." Way to go! No sense in letting pesky little details like honesty and integrity (not to mention the law) stand in the way when you know you're right!

Channel News Asia (Singapore): Crowds flock to see Michael Moore's 'Fahrenheit 9/11'

ABC News Online (Australia): Movie theatres fill in Washington to see Fahrenheit 9/11

Google News: (A great resource. You should bookmark it!)

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