Thursday, January 12, 2006

Our enemies are not fools and they, at least, read history

U.S. military expenditures already total more than all other nations on earth combined and now economists report that the real cost of George W. Bush's War on Iraq exceeds $2 trillion--about ten times more than the administration had previously admitted.

In the movie Syriana, a foreign leader observes that a nation that accounts for one-half of the world's military expenditures in order to protect the interests of 5% of the world's population cannot long prevail as a world power.

Enticing an enemy into spending itself into bankruptcy would be an excellent alternative if you could not hope to prevail on the military battlefield.

Hey! Wait! Isn't that the strategy we used to defeat the Soviet Union?

Iraq war could cost US over $2 trillion, says Nobel prize-winning economist - Guardian

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