Friday, June 11, 2010

Will the circle be unbroken?

The British media reports that BP is preparing to suspend dividend payments to shareholders in order to placate U.S. public opinion:

BP plans to defer dividend after pressure from Obama

So let's see ...

Taking full advantage of U.S. de-regulation which began with Ronald Reagan and the Bush tradition of weak enforcement of the few rules that do exist, BP drills a high risk well without adequate safety preparation which blows up creating an extinction level ecological disaster that pisses off the normally complacent and anti-government U.S. citizenry who demand that their government do something which threatens to boil over into an international incident causing BP to eliminate its dividends so that the British pensioner whose retirement nest egg is mostly invested in blue chip BP stock winds up eating cat food three nights a week while U.S. citizens continue to drive their 6,000 pound S.U.V.s to tea party rallies where they wistfully recall the Reagan era and loudly complain that their taxes are too high and that the Obama administration is killing jobs.

Is that about right?

Is it any wonder these people hate us? Soon we're going to have to expand the Global War on Terror beyond just the little brown people in the middle east with funny names.

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