Friday, December 30, 2005

Slash and Burn

"CRAWFORD, Tex., Dec. 30 -- On most of the 365 days he has enjoyed at his secluded ranch here, President Bush's idea of paradise is to hop in his white Ford pickup truck in jeans and work boots, drive to a stand of cedars, and whack the trees to the ground.

If the soil is moist enough, he will light a match and burn the wood. If it is parched, as it is across Texas now, the wood will sit in piles scattered over the 1,600-acre spread until it is safe for a ranch hand to torch -- or until the president can come home and do the honors himself."

"Recreational," "Therapeutic," say his supporters. "Staged," "Distracted," say his detractors.

Still, the image of George W. Bush forcefully and violently having his way--albeit with sagebrush--and especially when there's no real need to do it, well that picture is truly worth a thousand words.

Down on the Ranch, President Wages War on the Underbrush -- Washington Post

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