Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Canada Joins the Axis of Evil

"Some future president is going to say, 'Why are we paying to defend Canada?' " Thus George W. Bush, with his usual level of appreciation for subtlety and nuance, inserted himself into the internal affairs of the Canadian people as they decide whether or not to allow the U.S. to build bases in their country as a part of the star wars missile defense system.

Let's remember, The Most Moral Man in America and Leader of the Free World also said, "The moral choice is between oppression, which is always wrong, and freedom, which is eternally right," and "We have lit a fire ... It warms those who feel its power. It burns those who fight its progress."

A senior administration official did not deny rumors that Donald Rumsfeld has ordered an update of Pentagon contingency plans for an invasion of Canada, saying, however, "all those Canadians who would oppose missile defense ought to remember that they're within driving distance."

CTV (Canada) - Bush wasn't pushy on missile defence, U.S. says

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