I was watching the continuing wall-to-wall coverage of Donald Trump on MSNBC and the Daily Show and wondering how it is that each time he says something even more outrageous than before, his support in the polls increases. Last night Rachel Maddow had a package about a poll asking Republicans which is more important, having a candidate who can win or one who articulates your own views. The results were two to one in favor of a candidate who articulates your own views. Republican voters looking for love, not electability
I take away a couple of things from this.
I take away a couple of things from this.
First off, like the trope from so many horror movies, the Republican Party should be afraid, very afraid. Donald Trump is not calling from somewhere else, he is in the house ... and Republicans who are appalled by him need to get out of the house now. It started with the TEA Party madness after the '08 election, but it's becoming apparent that the Republican house is home to a good number of maniacs and slashers.
But perhaps this is just the beginning of a shift that can finally break down the tyranny of our two party system. To the extent that Trump articulates the values of the far right of the Republican Party and Bernie Sanders the values of the far left of the Democratic party, maybe we have the makings of a four party Presidential choice. How would it be if we could choose among Trump, Bush, Clinton, or Sanders?
Probably not for the 2016 election, but maybe in the future.